Annette E. Craven, PhD
I am a Reinvention Artist. I started my journey as a first-generation high school graduate who went on to complete multiple college degrees, including a PhD, a CPA license, an MBTI administrator, an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, a Core Transitions Dynamics Specialist, and a Certified Professional Coach. I have mentored organizations and individuals in a range of ways from executive leadership, strategic planning, high potential team development, quality certifications for organizations, to doctoral level academic coaching. After spending 20 years in industry, I transitioned to the academic environment where I specialized in management, HR, and quality improvement. I served as both a state and national Baldrige examiner for more than a decade and have presented to audiences in multiple countries including Colombia, Argentina, Guadalajara, Mongolia, France, Ghana, and Canada. My message to those I coach, consult, or mentor is to always to pay it forward. We cannot grow if we do not stop conforming and begin doing more connecting.